Budgeting for a wedding can be a challenge. After all, you are likely have your monthly budget all figured out, and you probably use extra cash for a little “you” time, or to see a movie with your partner, or splurge on new clothes, but this is where things get tricky. Throw a wedding into the mix and all of a sudden you have to watch your budget much more carefully. The amount of booking Car Service Phoenix can rely on for work to everyday, eating out nearly every meal, and online shopping binges will likely need to be monitored with a little more finesse. Try to calculate your available wedding budget by figuring out how much money you can save between now and your ideal wedding date. Do you think this will be enough? Is it possible to push the wedding off a few more months to be more financially secure? Do you want reputable Phoenix Limo Service , a designer wedding dress, and a local venue? Write down your wedding priorities to get a sense of the minimum amoun...